Rfid Vehicle Tracking System Pdf

Traffic management and vehicle registration are digitally supported.
Rfid vehicle tracking system pdf. Download pdf article of rfid based embedded system for vehicle tracking and prevention of road accidents written by kumar chaturvedula. Rfid based vehicle tracking parking management system figure 1. Once sold and installed the systems will provide btc s clients with real time data on their respective vehicle locations and vehicle contents. This identification is transmitted in the form of a serial number that distinguishes each object from the other.
Radio frequency identification rfid has become very useful as a positioning technology in transportation systems. Largest rfid vehicle tracking system worldwide by 2024 in egypt the egyptian ministry of interior relies on comprehensive vehicle identification throughout the country. This study aims at assessing the feasibility of applying rfid for vehicle tracking purposes. Rfid tracking system is also called as vehicle tracking application.
It is designed to track a moving child in a wide area such as a park or mall. Access control the ability to allow or deny access based on a vehicle having a specific rfid tag is a valuable way to provide a building or parking lot an enhanced level of security. Publication rfid based automatic tollgate system rats. Find read and cite all the research you.
Parking lot vehicle management system above figure describes the parking lot vehicle management system which is composed of rfid tags for the vehicles readers stationed around entry and exit points applications software that can be customized as per specific needs. There are different types of tracking devices available in market today. Rfid is used in vehicle tracking for. A vehicle tracking system enables the owner or an authorized third party to track a vehicle s location.
Three of the most popular reasons to use rfid with vehicles are access control vehicle identification and vehicle tracking. Rfid based embedded system for vehicle tracking and prevention of road accidents. Dolphin vehicle tracking system dvts enables to identify a particular vehicle during in out locate vehicles in motion in a specified path and giving alerts and alarms accordingly. Inventory tracking and su ply chain manage ent toward rfid.
There is a relative lack of research concerning tracking and monitoring of vehicle movement. Abstract radio frequency identification rfid is an auto. It is mainly used in vehicle tracking and monitoring to improve localization 1. Abilities of an rfid reader and the tracking capabilities of a gps system.