Roof Valley Gutter Construction Details

Soakers and step flashings step and cover flashings and secret gutters 30 cover flashings 31 apron flashings 32 chimney flashings 33 pitched valleys 34 ridges and hips 35 mitred hip and valley soakers 36 parapet and tapered gutters 36 drips and rolls for gutters 37 chute outlets for gutters 37 pipe outlets for gutters 38 roll and drip joints 39.
Roof valley gutter construction details. Note that it is not. Cover valley with a strip of underlay not less than 600mm wide underlapping general underlay. Design right by alide elkink freelance technical writer wellington cross sectional details for valley gutters are given in both acceptable solution e2 as1 and the nz metal roof and wall cladding code of practice. Flashing a humpy old roof valley requires a little give and take and a backup plan.
Here are a few pointers. Roof valleys are like gutters with a steep pitch but the stakes are higher for valleys than they are for gutters in a previous video we covered how to flash roof edges before shingling. Valleys shall have suitable weathering details including flashings to resist the passage of moisture to the inside of the building. Valley gutters detailing around the intersection of a valley gutter and a fascia board can be a little tricky.
The width of the open valley is dependent upon the roof pitch and the volume of water expected to drain into the gutter. Part 1 a guide to roof construction covers an overview of flat and pitched roofs. Cad details document name pdf dwg download all cad construction details 37 1 mb 3 4 mb mc01 identification of roof areas 694 kb 167 kb mc01a single layer underlayment 678 kb 302 kb mc01b double layer underlayment 711 kb 322 kb mc02 vent pipe flashing 626 kb 349 kb mc03 valley. This valley has seen its better days but the.
Valley with valley tiles ensure that continuous support is provided for ends of tiling battens on each side of valley. Table 11 gives the minimum recommended valley widths for different roof pitches and plan areas. Part 3 of the four part guide to roof construction covers pitched roof detail. Roof ridges and ridge tiles roof hips and hip tiles roof valleys roof verges and lead flashings.
Purpose made valley trough tiles should be supported by gutter boards where the roof uses single lap interlocking tiles. Parapet and tapered gutters our basic fitting guides are designed to assist installing rolled lead sheet in a range of roofing applications including flashings valleys gutters and flat roofing.