Rt Pcr Thermal Cycler Price

Get contact details address of companies manufacturing and supplying pcr machine pcr thermal cycler pcr instrument across india.
Rt pcr thermal cycler price. C1000 touch cycler control of up to 3 s1000 cyclers. Equipnet is the world s leading provider of used pcr and thermal cyclers as well as various other equipment. The account price will be applied if it. Abi geneamp 9700 agilent pcr and agilent qpcr machines analytik jena flexcycler applied biosystems applied biosystems 7300 applied biosystems 7500 applied biosystems 7900ht applied biosystems geneamp pcr system 2700 applied biosystems stepone steponeplus applied biosystems veriti applied biosystems viia 7 bio rad c1000 thermal cycler bio rad.
Stand alone thermal cyclers and real time pcr detection systems. Cfx96 touch cfx96 touch deep well or cfx384 touch system control of up to 3 s1000 cyclers. Pcr thermal cycler ask price dna amplification instruments range from personal thermal cyclers to the flexible 1000 series. Real time pcr thermal cyclers thermocyclers carry out quantitative pcr qpcr for experiments in gene expression genetic variation genotyping and specific detection of rare targets bacteria and viruses.
Real time pcr instruments as a leader in qpcr innovation we offer you the gold standard in real time instrumentation. Find here pcr machine pcr thermal cycler manufacturers suppliers exporters in india. Pcr thermal cyclers intermatic lc4521c photo control by intermatic. With our applied biosystems real time pcr platforms you get the best value real time pcr systems anywhere with excellent performance reliability and world class support.
Make offer eppendorf 5341 mastercycler epgradient pcr thermal cycler tested works biometra t personal combi 050 552 thermo cycler 100 115 230 vac 525 00. Our block cyclers such as the qiaquant 96 and 384 for real time pcr and the qiaamplifier 96 for end point pcr deliver rapid reproducible results in broad a range of pcr applications. Using smaller starting amounts of dna or rna and combining nucleic acid amplification and detection allows for efficiency and eliminates. Multiple module chassis and bay choices provide options for low to high throughput capabilities for all your pcr amplification needs.
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